
Matthew Maramo uses a scanning electron microscope at Science 1. It’s unusual for undergraduates to get hands-on experience with equipment of this caliber — and especially important for students in disciplines like materials science and engineering.

Categories: Research

The Anatomy of a Fruit Fly

Two professors and a grad student devise a class to help students get the wet lab experience they need for grad school — with an assist from the mighty fruit fly.

Categories: Research, Science

The Fortunate Ones?

Unique among species, the horseshoe crab has persisted, unchanged, for hundreds of millions of years. But now, its survival is threatened by the harvesting of its prized baby-blue blood. A team at UConn seeks to map its DNA and save it from extinction.

Categories: Research

Where The Wild Things Are

Tracy Rittenhouse, associate professor of natural resources and the environment, knows just how many bears and bobcats could be lurking in your Connecticut backyard

Categories: Research

Bright Ideas

The new Innovation Partnership Building brings together researchers, industry partners, and students for hi-tech R&D

Categories: Research

Hot or Trustworthy?

UConn Communications professors made waves with a study measuring how users of dating sites evaluate trustworthiness from potential dates’ photos.

Categories: Research

Black Hats, Cyber Bots, Zombies, and You

Cyberattacks come in all shapes and sizes and expert say it’s just a matter of time before they pose real threats to each of us. Fortunately, this crack team of cybersecurity specialists is working to protect our information.

Categories: Research

New Research Proves That Some Kids “Grow Out” Of Their Autism Symptoms

New Research Proves That Some Kids “Grow Out” of Their Autism Symptoms Scientists at UConn are using a high-tech fMRI system to figure out how — and why. By Elaina HancockPhotographs By Peter Morenus Inge-Marie Eigsti, associate professor of psychology, with the fMRI — functional magnetic resonance imaging — system. New Research Proves That Some […]

Categories: Research

The Small Price of Survival

With just a little knowledge and some very basic equipment, most sudden deaths in young athletes can be prevented. “How you respond in the first 10 minutes of a catastrophic incident is often the difference between life and death,” says Casa.

Categories: Athletics, Research

Avery Point Lighthouse

On Campus Avery Point Lighthouse In early spring, Penny Vlahos, associate professor of marine sciences, replaces a seasonal cartridge on an air sampling device attached to the Avery Point Lighthouse. The samplers are changed every three months and analyzed for persistent organic and emerging pollutants. UConn Avery Point is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year. Peter Morenus

Categories: Research

Free to Be Imperfect

A beloved doctor’s patients convince him to move to UConn Health — where he plans to cure a rare liver disease.

Categories: Research