Be Kind

The secret to how we can all get along? Start close to home, even closer than you think!

Categories: Health


Three UConn School of Medicine graduates take us through year one of residency —with its fast-and-furious rotations meant to teach the finer points of chosen specialties and the broad realities of what it means to be a practicing doctor.

Categories: Health

Getting Hoppy

Which beer style is for you? Take the quiz by Dan DiSorbo ’01 (SFA), author of the “Book of Hops.”

Categories: Health

Out of the Minds of Babes

Cute kids, brilliant scientists, and exciting trips bring joy for Amanda Yagan ’21 (CLAS) at the Advanced Baby Imaging Lab.

Categories: Health

The Kitchen QB

Cauliflower curry, plant-based chili, and how Jordan Mazur ’12 (CAHNR) helps keep the San Francisco 49ers in fighting shape.

Categories: Athletics, Food, Health

Viva Voce

When Carol Krusemark ’90 MA heard the words, “You brought me back,” she knew she’d gotten another professional singer back to the stage.

Categories: Health

In The Vaccine Trenches

Not long after graduating with a degree in molecular and cell biology, Jason Bennett ’16 (CLAS) took a job with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

Categories: Health

Double Jeopardy

UConn Health EMS coordinator Peter Canning published his latest book, on the opioid crisis, while battling the Covid pandemic.

Categories: Health

Affordable MS Drugs

Cynthia Zagieboylo ’86 MA spends a lot of time working to keep down the price of prescription drugs.

Categories: Health

Vax on Wheels

UConn Health made it easier for Connecticut residents to get vaccinated.

Categories: Health

Staying Well

Staying well means staying on the move — even when you’re stuck at home, says exercise guru Emily Abbate ’10 (CLAS).

Categories: Health

Baptism by Fire

“I’m not just learning how to be a good nurse, but how to be a good nurse in the middle of a pandemic,” says Mia Hrabcsak ’19 (NUR).

Categories: Health

Our Defining Moments

These Huskies — students, staff, professors, doctors, nurses, and graduates new and old —are finding innovative ways to help us all navigate a global pandemic.

Categories: Community Impact, Health

Genetics for Justice

Anthropology professor Deborah Bolnick analyzes ancient DNA in a state-of-the-art Clean Lab in Storrs where her work is, among other things, helping to shed light on Native American histories.

Categories: Community Impact, Health


Massimo Pigliucci ’94 Ph.D. says just be stoic.

Categories: Health

It May Take only a Little Exercise to Make You a Lot Happier

Story from UConn Today In Good Health It May Take Only a Little Exercise to Make You a Lot Happier You don’t have to spend hours at the gym or work up a dripping sweat to improve your mood and feel better about yourself, researchers at the University of Connecticut and Hartford Hospital say in […]

Categories: Health

Are E-Cigs Just as Bad as Tobacco?

Story from UConn Today This Just In Are E-Cigs Just as Bad as Tobacco? Kadimisetty with the 3-D printed sample chamber of his genetic toxicity testing device. A study by chemists at the University of Connecticut offers new evidence that electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes. Using a new low-cost, […]

Categories: Health

Bottled Up

The lobby of UConn’s Pharmacy/Biology building is lined with beautiful and mysterious bottles from the 1600s to mid-1900s. They held remedies in the form of liquids, salves, and powders.

Categories: Health