The Big Four for the Big Four

The UConn women’s basketball team made more than a little history this spring with their 82″“51 win over Syracuse in the NCAA National Championship game.

Categories: Athletics

Black Hats, Cyber Bots, Zombies, and You

Cyberattacks come in all shapes and sizes and expert say it’s just a matter of time before they pose real threats to each of us. Fortunately, this crack team of cybersecurity specialists is working to protect our information.

Categories: Research

Rock On

Robert M. Thorson is crazy about stone walls. He spent years trying to dig up proof that former University president Homer Babbidge shared that love — and along the way found evidence of UConn’s first recorded student protests.

50 Years of the Benton

In honor of The Benton’s anniversary, we present highlights from favorite visiting exhibitions and examples of pieces added to the permanent collection, one for each year from 1967 to 2016.

Categories: Arts

The Art of Muckraking

Pulitzer Prize”“winning journalism professor Mike Stanton teaches tried-and-true “shoe leather” investigative journalism. He hopes students will turn his skill set into new-medium magic.

Categories: Business

A Little Push

What those Swing Journals by Mirror Lake are all about — from professions of love to the eating habits of those ubiquitous ducks.

Categories: Campus Life

Keys to the Kingdom

See and hear our new Steinways and get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Steinway factory.

Categories: Arts

Show Him the Money

Three Decades ago he played for Coach Calhoun. Today Greg Economou ’88 (CLAS) is a major Hollywood player. Many of the same principles apply.

Categories: Athletics, Business

New Research Proves That Some Kids “Grow Out” Of Their Autism Symptoms

New Research Proves That Some Kids “Grow Out” of Their Autism Symptoms Scientists at UConn are using a high-tech fMRI system to figure out how — and why. By Elaina HancockPhotographs By Peter Morenus Inge-Marie Eigsti, associate professor of psychology, with the fMRI — functional magnetic resonance imaging — system. New Research Proves That Some […]

Categories: Research

Mission to Mars

Imagine traveling for three years and 500 million miles with five strangers, no rest stops, and no chance to get away from one another — and just to keep you on your toes, you could die any minute.

The Real McCoys

Producing a film about rumrunner Bill McCoy led these married alums to make and market a Prohibition-style rum that’s the real McCoy.

Categories: Arts

The Small Price of Survival

With just a little knowledge and some very basic equipment, most sudden deaths in young athletes can be prevented. “How you respond in the first 10 minutes of a catastrophic incident is often the difference between life and death,” says Casa.

Categories: Athletics, Research

A Cuban Exchange

Biostatistics professor Tania Huedo-Medina is working with medical professionals in Cuba to better the health prevention strategies in both our countries.

Categories: Community Impact

Free to Be Imperfect

A beloved doctor’s patients convince him to move to UConn Health — where he plans to cure a rare liver disease.

Categories: Research