Feedback – Fall 2024
You really, really loved reading about UConn’s Superfans, plus your comments on Withered Flowers, Net Worth, a More Perfect Union, and more.
You really, really loved reading about UConn’s Superfans, plus your comments on Withered Flowers, Net Worth, a More Perfect Union, and more.
You really, really loved reading about the restoration of Cynthia Peterson’s observatory, plus your comments on Marvin Prince, The Iron Horse, and more.
Memories of the Jonathans, Sue Bird, Peter Good, and more, plus a fresh love story from the Class of ’66!
Your comments on our summer issue, featuring NCAA championship reactions, which magazine cover you received, and more.
Your comments on our spring issue, featuring UConn love stories, diverging stances on truth, and more.
Readers share their love for UConn Mag, comments on our fall issue, and their missions to uphold the University’s good name.
Readers share comments on our last issue, thanks to the UConn English Department for their Wordle skills, and still more UConn love stories!
Your letters and posts from the Spring issue — and so many amazing UConn love stories!
We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections — and how’s your Tom’s Trivia win-loss percentage coming?
We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections — and how’s your Tom’s Trivia win-loss percentage coming?
Here’s what you had to say about our Spring issue.
Readers react to past issues.
Your feedback on the summer issue included a number of letters on the topic of slavery reparations.
Your feedback on our Spring issue.
Love stories to Horsebarn Hill and the Jungle, among others.
Readers want to surf with UConn’s new President.
From backyard bobcat sightings, grateful patients of Dr. Alessi, enthusiastic clubbers lauding their favorites, and more.
Readers love love loved our young CEOs
Readers Write, Email, and Post about last issue
Two new pharmacy grads and their “Cambodian mom”
Alums got in touch about birding and tweeting, UConn Hartford and urbanity, Dee Rowe, Erik Hines, and more.
Much of the Summer 2017 issue’s mail either lauded the UConn Health doctor seeking a cure for the rare GSD disease or lambasted us for the headline “In Russia, you simply couldn’t be a writer if you were Jewish.” See Litman’s response, along with a sampling of other letters we received.
Readers weigh in on “Saving Civility”