Weighing in on Last Issue
We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections, and how’s your Tom’s Trivia win-loss percentage coming?
Get in touch! Email me at lisa.stiepock@uconn.edu or post something on our website at magazine.uconn.edu.

Cliff Robinson
➼ Your story on the tragic passing of Cliff Robinson certainly evoked some memories of what seems like an era long since passed. He’s the bridge between the mediocre teams of the mid-’80s and the ascension to glory a few years later. I remember the first time I heard about him. I used to subscribe to the old Husky Blue and White publication, which covered UConn sports back in the day.
In one of their issues probably back in early 1985, there was a men’s basketball recruiting update with two players mentioned, one of whom was Cliff Robinson — “6’ 9” forward from Buffalo, New York.” I remember saying to myself “Wow — this guy actually sounds like a good player.” And he was indeed beyond good. He’ll always be my UConn favorite, even if several other players went on to amass slightly better numbers and be a part of significant championship teams.
I’m certain there were several NBA teams in the 1990s who looked back at the 1989 draft and wished they had chosen him.
Gone way too soon.
Rick Darling ’84 (BUS), via e-mail
➼ I had the chance to work with Meg [Hall ’08 (CLAS)] in her agency days. Savvy, smart, and a lover of all things Connecticut. Happy to see her still doing great things here in Connecticut!
Eric Panke ’93 (SFA), via our website
Women in the Jungle
➼ I would like to clarify that the first females took up residence in “The Jungle” in the fall of 1967 [“Jungle Reunion, Class Notes,” Spring 2019] I resided in Fairfield.
I have not returned to UConn since I graduated, yet I have often wondered if the initials three of us carved in the maple tree near the entrance to Fairfield still remain.
Susan Hollister ’71 (CLAS), via e-mail
Campus Update?
➼ I love my UConn Magazine. Well done! As an older alum, I’d love to see you feature a new map of the University and surrounding town. So many alums would love it. #BleedBlue
Ann McGreevy ’84 Ph.D., via mail
➼ I have a teen very interested in learning ASL. She was unable to take a high school course. Perhaps next year, for she aspires to attend UConn and work with children with hearing and speech difficulties like herself.
Lorraine MacIntyre, via our website
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