An Epic UConn Love Story

The story begins in McConaughy Hall, aka The Jungle, back in 1986. It is still developing.


The Secret Life of Dexter Gabriel — aka P. Djèlí Clark

In which the separate worlds of a sci-fi novelist and a history professor collide.


Call Cowen!

The more extraordinary the challenge, the more likely UConn Distinguished Alumnus Scott Cowen will be asked to help.


Walk This Way

An alum and Guggenheim Fellow whose art is about nature, adventure — and sneakers.



Jonathan the Husky has been the face of UConn since 1935.


Next Level

The 16 alums on our cover know the meaning of true love — and friendship.


Your Turn

We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections ­— and how’s your Tom’s Trivia win-loss percentage coming?


Fierce Woman: Micaela Levesque

Micaela Levesque ’17 (CLAS) has known that art was her calling since middle school.


3 Books with Stephen Slota

A triple alum and double professor Stephen Slota ’07 (CLAS), ’08 MA, ’14 Ph.D. specializes in educational game development and says his voracious childhood reading of science fiction and comics molded him into “the kind of adult who proudly displays Legos as art.”


Back to Bethlehem

Revisiting Sisters Augusta and Telchilde — still plying their doctorates raising Belted Galloways and making Gouda cheese.


Engineering Her Best Self

It’s no surprise that Courtney Luker ’22 (ENG) enjoyed Playmobil when she was a kid. Lots of children do. But not too many mention their devotion to this iconic, people-centric, role-playing, let’s-build-something-fun collection on their college applications. She did.


Keep the Change

Dennis Pierce ’15 MBA never got the memo about how humans tend to be change averse. During his 34-year tenure at UConn Dining Services the recently retired Pierce created a culture of change.


UConn names Interim President Radenka Maric

Vice president for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship Radenka Maric was appointed interim president on Feb. 1.


Heritage Cards

There are many ways to identify the pinnacle in the career of an athlete. Money, fame, medals, and trophies are some of the obvious ones. Dating back to the 19th century, being pictured on a trading card is another one of those benchmarks.


Be Our Guest

Kate Copeland ’15 (MBA), UConn’s assistant director of University Events and Conference Services, was named 2021 Member of the Year by Meeting Professionals International (MPI).


HDFS 1060 Close Relationships Across The Lifespan

Students who take “Close Relationships” learn the reasons why some relationships work out and others don’t. After taking the class we still might not always do the right thing. But at least we’ll know what went wrong.


Harrison 'Honey' Fitch

In 1934 UConn students rallied against racism shown UConn’s first Black basketball player.


"The Wheels Are Part of the Dancing"

Beverly Weurding’s popular wheelchair dance program now includes Bollywood and hip-hop.


In The Vaccine Trenches

Not long after graduating with a degree in molecular and cell biology, Jason Bennett ’16 (CLAS) took a job with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.


Bend it like Rembrandt?

Maria Yatrakis ’02 (SFA) was recruited for the Greek Olympic team while she was playing soccer for UConn.


University Medal to Scott Brohinsky

The UConn we know today wouldn’t exist without Scott Brohinsky ’76 JD and the Next Generation Connecticut initiative.


Viva Voce

When Carol Krusemark ’90 MA heard the words, “You brought me back,” she knew she’d gotten another professional singer back to the stage.


How to Run a Marathon — or 5k

After her top-10 finish in the 10K final at the 2021 Olympic trials, Emily Durgin ’17 (CLAS) decided to take it up a notch.


So Handsome

When LaShawnda Phillips (RHSA ’20, CAHNR ’22) first moved to her neighborhood in Hartford at age 13, she set out to do some exploring. She found horses.


In the Media

On teacher shortages, car crashes, better Christmas trees, and smarter turkeys.


Spring '22 Class Notes

Keep up with your classmates. Share your news with us!


Tom's Trivia - Spring '22

See if you know as much as King of UConn Trivia Tom Breen ’00 (CLAS).

the cover the 2022 spring issue of UConn Magazine
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