Class of 2022

For the first time since 2019, commencement ceremonies took place in UConn’s traditional locations.

Categories: The University

Love, Life, and the Miracle Movies of Oscar Guerra

Emmy Award”“winning filmmaker Oscar Guerra wants to have a conversation about immigration. Not a policy debate or a campaign rally or, god forbid, a made-for-cable screaming match. But an honest and open talk about what it means to be a working-class Latinx immigrant in America in the 21st century.

Categories: Arts, Community Impact

Golden Eggs

Kumar Venkitanarayanan wants to feed the world — with chickens raised without antibiotics. His chance for success increased this August when the USDA awarded his project $10 million.

Categories: Science

Light Years Away

Each semester Stephen Stifano asks his COMM 1000 students to encapsulate their UConn experience in a photo worth, well, you know.

Categories: The University


Bryan Stevenson, the civil rights lawyer and author of “Just Mercy,” was on campus to receive the Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights.

Game of Chairs

This year’s ubiquitous “GOT” conversation gets a nod at the William Benton Museum of Art with a show of 13 chairs by contemporary artists.

Categories: Arts

Welcome President Katsouleas

Thomas C. Katsouleas, a leading plasma scientist and engineer with deep academic roots in teaching and research will become the 16th president of the University of Connecticut on Aug. 1, 2019

Categories: The University


On Campus #OneUConn At convocation, freshmen wore shirts with “#oneuconn” on the front and on the back this Nelson Mandela quote: No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can […]


Community members flooded Horsebarn Hill to watch the solar eclipse on August 21.

Categories: Campus Life

Avery Point Lighthouse

On Campus Avery Point Lighthouse In early spring, Penny Vlahos, associate professor of marine sciences, replaces a seasonal cartridge on an air sampling device attached to the Avery Point Lighthouse. The samplers are changed every three months and analyzed for persistent organic and emerging pollutants. UConn Avery Point is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year. Peter Morenus

Categories: Research