
On Campus #OneUConn At convocation, freshmen wore shirts with “#oneuconn” on the front and on the back this Nelson Mandela quote: No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can […]

Local Heroes

Peter Morenus is the magazine’s photographer. But that job title doesn’t even begin to cover his secret-weapon status here. He seems to know everyone on campus, and can tell us exactly where anything is and what it will look like before we get there.

Categories: Community Impact

A Cuban Exchange

Biostatistics professor Tania Huedo-Medina is working with medical professionals in Cuba to better the health prevention strategies in both our countries.

Categories: Community Impact

Green Thumb, Bleeds Blue

James Gagliardi ’05 (CAHNR) has an encyclopaedic mind for all things ecological, a fact quickly apparent on a tour of his gardens — which happen also to be every U.S. citizen’s gardens.

Categories: Community Impact