
At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.

Categories: Campus Life

Inner Beauty

With two phases of its three-part renovation completed, The Gant Science Complex, aka the Math-Science Building, has an entirely revamped interior.

Categories: Campus Life

4/24/2023  3:59p.m.

The Science 1 building near North Garage has materials science and engineering teaching labs, a cutting-edge active learning classroom — and some pretty cool windows.

Categories: Campus Life

Lake Effect

Our favorite spots on campus look a little different — and often, a little cooler — from an aerial view.

Categories: Campus Life

Class of 2026

This fall’s incoming Huskies broke records with their impressive stats and were welcomed at the annual Torch Lighting Convocation Ceremony, held this year in Gampel Pavilion.

Categories: Campus Life

Our Librarian

Edwina Whitney (1868″“1970) was the second and longest-serving head librarian at UConn, then Connecticut Agricultural College. Hired in 1900, she first worked in a cramped two-room library lit by kerosene lamps.

College Bowl

Fame is fickle. But while it lasts, it sure can be fun. That’s one lesson members of UConn’s 1961 and 1970 “GE College Bowl” teams say they learned.

Sophs to a Flame

Everyone deserved an especially warm reception to UConn this year, so it wasn’t only first years who got the traditional Week of Welcome.

Categories: Campus Life

They’re Back!

In August about 5,800 students moved into residence halls at Storrs and Stamford, to blithely juggle Covid-19 testing and quarantining along with online and in-person classes.

North Campus

For decades at UConn, if you asked directions to the North Campus dormitories, you would most likely be met with a puzzled expression.

Categories: Campus Life


Ringing in the 40th anniversary of Winter Weekend in February, the Student Union Board of Governors (SUBOG) hosted its beloved annual event — One Ton Sundae.

Categories: Campus Life, Food


Photos and info on every one of the 650 student clubs and organizations at UConn. Just kidding — we highlight a dozen

Categories: Campus Life

A Little Push

What those Swing Journals by Mirror Lake are all about — from professions of love to the eating habits of those ubiquitous ducks.

Categories: Campus Life


On Campus #OneUConn At convocation, freshmen wore shirts with “#oneuconn” on the front and on the back this Nelson Mandela quote: No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can […]


Community members flooded Horsebarn Hill to watch the solar eclipse on August 21.

Categories: Campus Life

Jacquelyn Khadijah-Hajdu

One Year Out Jacquelyn Khadijah-Hajdu Almost a year after graduating, Jacquelyn Khadijah-Hajdu ’16 (ENG) found herself in Storrs for the annual spring semester Career Fair — except this time she was collecting resumés rather than handing hers out. She says she felt an unfamiliar sense of disconnect from the students approaching her table, despite having walked in […]

Categories: Campus Life

A Pup-posal

Daniel Bronki ’15 (NEAG) recruited Jonathan XIV to help with his marriage proposal to Holly Korona ’13

Categories: Campus Life