Get Personal

Film what you know and embrace the vulnerability, advises an Emmy-winning filmmaker-professor whose students now have Emmys themselves.

Categories: Arts

Rage Against the Fashion Machine

The founder of UConn’s student-run clothing Swap Shop would like us all to take a moment to consider what is required to make a single cotton T-shirt.

Categories: Arts

The Stigma Buster

UConn policy practice Master of Social Work graduate, Amanda Brenner’s work on mental health policy, is an extremely personal mission — she’s hoping her lived experience can give others hope.

Categories: Community Impact

Engineering Her Best Self

It’s no surprise that Courtney Luker ’22 (ENG) enjoyed Playmobil when she was a kid. Lots of children do. But not too many mention their devotion to this iconic, people-centric, role-playing, let’s-build-something-fun collection on their college applications. She did.

Speaking the Language

Adrienne Bruce is putting her pastime to the test this semester at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea, on a Gilman Scholarship for undergraduate studies abroad from the U.S. State Department.

Si Se Puede

This extraordinary class of seniors (and near-seniors) had already weathered a number of major storms before the pandemic hit.

Categories: Community Impact

Husky Forward

Batouly Camara ’19 (ED), ’20 MA: “My ultimate purpose is to create spaces for women to dream.”

Categories: Athletics