Dear Freshmen:
This spring's graduates shared advice with the incoming Husky Class of 2022 in a series of videos called "Dear Freshmen." They shared favorite places on campus, best food and dining halls, ways to maximize academic potential  and get a professor's ear when needed, how to find a good roommate, and so much more.

Frank Amaefuna '18 (CLAS); molecular & cell biology
Living with a roommate: "Of course I looked them up on Facebook, but I didn't try to draw assumptions. It might turn out that this person is your best friend for the rest of your life."

Danni Dong '18 (CLAS); psychological sciences
Maxing out academics: "Show up to office hours. Perseverance will get you a long way. And that applies to everything else, like showing up to a club that you've never been to before or applying for a competitive program. It's never easy. Just do it."

Sean Palzere '18 (ED); elementary education
If I could give you one piece of advice: "Dive in headfirst."

Taylor Mayes '18 (CLAS); environmental studies and political science
Maxing out academics: "I know this is kind of corny, but I would say pick a major that you're passionate about. If it's art, if it's design, if it's things around social justice and humanities, even if it seems like you're not going to make money, I promise you that you will be where you need to be because your passions will take you."

Austin Barrett '18 (BUS); accounting
If I could give you one piece of advice: "Stay away from Netflix! Do Huskython. Do Oozeball. Go out and meet new people because you only have 13 weeks per semester. College flies!"

Natalia Gutierrez '18 (ENG); computer science and engineering
I couldn't survive without: "The app." [myUConn]
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