Challenge yourself to Tom’s Trivia!
See if you know as much as King of UConn Trivia and University Deputy Spokesperson Tom Breen ’00 (CLAS).
Scroll to the bottom to reveal the answers.

What was the name of the fictional character who was elected president and vice president of the Associated Student Government in 1972?
A: Cecil Kotto
B: J. Lodge Davis
C: Bill X. Carlson
D: Virginia West
The first graduating class of the institution that became UConn had six members, in 1883. What did some of them go on to do next?
A: Attend high school
B: Stay on as new faculty members
C: Become the first graduate students at the institution
D: Attend a different college
What was the name of the fast food restaurant in the south end of the Student Union that opened during the 1980s?
A: The Hungry Husky
B: Food For Thought
C: Babbidge Burgers
D: Jonathan’s
In 1962, the Dean of Women sent a letter to undergraduates warning them they could face disciplinary sanction for doing what on campus?
A: Engaging in public displays of affection
B: Carrying picket signs during demonstrations
C: Riding horses without a saddle
D: Wearing miniskirts

The ribbon cutting for the opening of Jonanthan's in the Student Union.
- C. Starting as a prank by two seniors, the candidacy of Bill X. Carlson gained tremendous momentum following endorsements by student groups ranging from WHUS to the Greek life council to the Daily Campus. Carlson’s victory in the elections led to a significant overall of student government at UConn.
- A. In the beginning, the Storrs Agricultural School had a two-year curriculum, and graduates received a certificate. Some of them went on to attend high school, which was a rarity for Americans in the 19th century.
- D. Replacing the old Commons Dining Hall, Jonathan’s served fast food fare for nearly two decades, until the Student Union was renovated. The south end of the building now houses a food court with a range of restaurant options.
- A. Citing concern for “standards of good taste and self-respect,” Dean Elizabeth Noftsker told students they were prohibited from indulging in “excessive” displays of affection in public. She also warned they could be disciplined for not complying with the university dress code, and for lying on the grass around Mirror Lake.
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