Skating Rink
Students and local residents skating at UConn's outdoor ice rink in the spring of 1976 —11 years after it opened. The rink, with seating for almost 500 people on its metal bleachers, was covered by an arched, wooden roof and was used by the men's hockey team and local youth hockey organizations. It was eventually torn down to make way for the indoor arena that opened in 1998. —Emma Casagrande '18 (CLAS)
Where was this located?
The UCONN Skating Arena/Rink was located on Campus in the present site of the Mark Freitas Ice Forum until 1998. The present forum is more rectangular in shape, but occupies the exact footprint of the open-roof Arena I skated in, back in 1995.
It would be interesting to find out if the original ice surface – as shown above from the ’70s – was retained, and the new Freitas enclosure built over it!