
Matthew Maramo uses a scanning electron microscope at Science 1. It’s unusual for undergraduates to get hands-on experience with equipment of this caliber — and especially important for students in disciplines like materials science and engineering.

Categories: Research


How do trash and birdfeeders impact black bear behavior? Melissa Ruszczyk is trying to find out.

Categories: Environment


At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.

Categories: Campus Life

Inner Beauty

With two phases of its three-part renovation completed, The Gant Science Complex, aka the Math-Science Building, has an entirely revamped interior.

Categories: Campus Life

4/24/2023  3:59p.m.

The Science 1 building near North Garage has materials science and engineering teaching labs, a cutting-edge active learning classroom — and some pretty cool windows.

Categories: Campus Life

Lake Effect

Our favorite spots on campus look a little different — and often, a little cooler — from an aerial view.

Categories: Campus Life

Destination: Dairy Bar

We all wish we could teleport to the Dairy Bar on demand, but a family of Huskies has figured out perhaps the next-coolest mode of travel to get their fix.

Categories: The University

Sophs to a Flame

Everyone deserved an especially warm reception to UConn this year, so it wasn’t only first years who got the traditional Week of Welcome.

Categories: Campus Life

Downhill From Here?

Co-captain and veep of UConn’s ski team Sydney Murner ’21 (ENG) talks slaloming in the Before Times and raising money for Connecticut Children’s Hospital now.

Categories: Athletics

Art Alfresco

Avery Point’s Open Air by Night exhibits drew film and video submissions from artists not just in Connecticut, but around the world.

Categories: Arts

They’re Back!

In August about 5,800 students moved into residence halls at Storrs and Stamford, to blithely juggle Covid-19 testing and quarantining along with online and in-person classes.


“The Arc” has a new home.

Categories: Arts

Sign, post.

Inspired by the “LAX” sign at Los Angeles International Airport, UConn’s newest waypost sits along Route 195 in Storrs on the north end of campus.

Categories: The University

Rotary Club

Electrical engineering senior Davis Meissner took a ride in one of the two Sikorsky helicopters that landed on the Student Union Mall for Lockheed Martin Day

Categories: The University

Bright Ideas

The new Innovation Partnership Building brings together researchers, industry partners, and students for hi-tech R&D

Categories: Research


Listen as the UConn Choirs tour Europe

Categories: Arts

Keys to the Kingdom

See and hear our new Steinways and get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Steinway factory.

Categories: Arts