On TV ads for junk food:
"These companies are not just targeting black and Hispanic kids with their advertising, but they're targeting them with the worst products."
Jennifer Harris, UConn's Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, CNN, Jan. 15, 2019
On the election of the first mixed-race governor of Japan:
"It broadens the reality of being Japanese, at a time when some voices would have a very old-fashioned notion of Japanese ethnicity."
Alexis Dudden, history professor, The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2018
On the danger of fake news to democracies around the world:
"When people start to believe that all information is biased, they tend to either double down on preexisting beliefs or opt out."
Michael Lynch, philosophy professor, Bloomberg Businessweek, Nov. 2, 2018
On his study showing that by the time we feel thirsty it's too late:
"Our thirst sensation doesn't really appear until we are one or two percent dehydrated."
Lawrence E. Armstrong, kinesiology professor, Reader's Digest, Nov. 26, 2018
On his study showing that black students who have a black teacher before third grade are 13 percent more likely to enroll in college:
"Interacting with these teachers every day for a year tells them, look, there's this person that looks like you, and they've gone off and got a college degree, and you can do this too."
Joshua Hyman, public policy professor, National Public Radio, Nov. 28, 2018
On work/life balance:
"Women are operating under two sets of expectations — one for work and one for parenthood — that cannot possibly both be met and are a setup for chronic stress and guilt."
Sherry Pagoto, health and social media professor, Self magazine, Nov. 9, 2018
On the newest climate change update proving that birds are facing possible extinction on tropical mountaintops:
"It's terrifying, like a nightmare come true . . . If this is how climate change will play out across tropical mountains, then we're in deep trouble."
Morgan Tingley, biology professor, The Atlantic, Oct. 29, 2018
On the violent death of an American missionary on a remote island in the Indian Ocean:
"That initial approach was rebuffed when an arrow pierced a waterproof copy of the Bible Chau held aloft in his quest to evangelize the tribe."
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