Your Turn
We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections — and how’s your Tom’s Trivia win-loss percentage coming? Post to our website at, email me at, or send by regular mail to UConn Magazine Letters, 34 N. Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268-3144.
Here’s a sampling of feedback from our last issue.

➼ This issue was phenomenal. I truly loved the article about Doug Glanville. He is an amazing person, who has a lot to give to our society.
Margaret Kimball’s story was a walk down memory lane. I lived in south campus, across from Stowe Hall — which was all male, ours was all female — Beach Hall? I entered as a freshman in the fall of 1977. In January 1978, we were snowed in by the Blizzard of '78. I was just down the hill from her to-be-parents! People were jumping out of windows, sometimes mistaking bike racks for large drifts. Most of us stayed up all night. Two years later, I moved to Beldon, third floor. If her parents were still around, I might have actually met them.
Even stranger is that one of my high school friends majored in Engineering and was in the Jungle. He told me the story of the guy on the motorcycle driving through the hallways! The Babbidge Library had only recently been built, and Gampel was not even a blueprint yet.
Thanks for the memories!
Patricia Jolie-Zotzmann, via email
The Scientist Behind Those Sunrise Photos
➼ The drone photo of Mirror Lake and the surrounding campus and hills taken by Milton Levin is an absolute stunner. Easily one of my favorite photos to ever appear in the UConn Magazine. It is, however, a sunset photo despite the caption on the cover “The Scientist Behind Those Sunrise Photos.” Enjoying the magazine as always.
Dave Partyka, UConn parent, via email
Reply: You are indeed correct that the cover shot is a sunset, but the headline on the feature opener refers to the photo there, which is a sunrise. With Milton we get the best of both!
➼ Milton always has some amazing photo in the works. You know you’re serious about drone photography when you jump through FAA hoops. Some people take their hobby to the next level; people like Milton go all in.
Jeremy Chartier, via our website
Bee Good
➼ Very worthy cause! Great job!
➼ Great job Raina! Keep it up girl
And Now I Spill the UConn Secrets
➼ This is awesome. Make it a shirt and sell them please
➼ Love this rendition of my old stomping grounds at UConn
➼ Margi! So happy to see The Benton on here!
Jeanne Mogayzel
I just spent a nice sunny fall afternoon in my backyard in Woodbridge devouring the magazine! Another excellent issue. As a proud Husky — may I gloat, I am the (self-proclaimed) head of UConn’s Biggest Family, per an Alumni Association designation a few years ago.
Greg Stamos ’77 (CLAS), via email
Doug Glanville
➼ I read with great interest the Doug Glanville take on today’s society. Boy does the world need more clear thinkers like Mr. Glanville. I believe his sustained application of sound logic to society’s serious ills will not be carried forth howling in the wind, but fervently promoted by the clear thinking students he may influence.
Ralph M. Stanzione ’72 MBA, via our website
➼ One of the best classes I took at UConn!
Kory Powell
@koryapowell via Twitter
➼ What a story and what an admirable man. I REALLY want to take his class.
Lisa M. McGuire, via facebook
➼ As a graduate of the sports sociology degree with UConn, this warms my heart.
Sue Brenchley, via facebook
Re: “Underachiever No More” Summer 2021 issue
➼ I remember you Jim, but do you remember me? I was also in class of 79. What a wonderful and generous gift you have made to our beloved School of Pharmacy. Wishing you and your company much success in getting Orphan Drug candidates through the FDA approval process so they can help patients in need.
Irma Benedek
Re: “Our American Girls” Summer 2021 issue
➼ Another UConn graduate, Jacqueline Dembar Greene is the author of the “Rebecca” series of American Girls books.
Nadine R Lipman
Re: Rose (Calliope) Wong “She Fought for What is Right and What is Fair” Summer 2021 issue
➼ I didn’t know Rose as well as I wish I had. We improvised on the piano together a couple times and talked about life now and then. She was a fantastic and fascinating person, as determined as she was energetic, bringing joy to those around her. I always hoped I’d be able to play piano with her again someday. Miss you, Rose.
Patrick Belanger
Re: “The Reapers and the Flowers” Spring 2019 issue
➼ Dave Barnett is a remarkable example of a CAHNR graduate’s effect on society.
Patricia Weingart
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