Your Turn

We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections — and how's your Tom's Trivia win-loss percentage coming? Post to our website at, email me at, or send by regular mail to UConn Magazine Letters, 34 N. Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268-3144.

Here's a sampling of feedback from our last issue.

UConn Magazine Summer 21 Cover
Heritage Breed Milking Devon Cow USA Stamp

➼ I purchased a sheet of these stamps but had no idea about the UConn connection.
Leslie Smith McCormick

➼ Same here! I purchased them for the amazing artwork, but now I need to go back and get another sheet.
Dorothy Mattesen Drobney

➼ Featuring my favorite cow: Devon! Lol.
Devon Ann Conover

"My favorite Paige Buecker's pass this year was when Christyn was trying to get the ball to Olivia but the lane was blocked. Paige called for the ball and on the run, as soon as the ball got to her, she caught it and fired the pass to Olivia for a layup."

— Bond Riley via Facebook

Summer Issue

âž¼ I've been living in the Bay Area, California, for the last 25 years. I receive UConn Magazine and usually take the time to look through it and read some of the articles. But I have to tell you, you all knocked this issue out of the park. Every story was inspiring and interesting and timely. What amazing careers and accomplishments by our UConn students. The story I loved best was Jamaican-born Rohan Freeman. What an amazing and generous man. I'm proud to be a UConn grad. I had a very successful career as a personal trainer, post-rehab specialist, and holistic nutritionist and am now semi-retired. Keep on bringing those great stories!
Patty Torza '82 MA
Santa Rosa, California, via e mail

Sage Phillips

âž¼ I love Sage's father's advice "why don't you take this as an opportunity to build a program" — wise words. We should all be encouraged to forge our own path if there isn't one laid out for us. Impressive work, Sage!

Sara Tarca via Instagram

Juliana Mazza

âž¼ A beautiul piece. You explained the job perfectly and are the epitome
of a fantastic reporter, anchor and human.

Polikseni Manxhari via Twitter


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