Good Luck and Good Grades
It’s clear by the sheen that UConn students believe in the ritual of rubbing the nose of the Husky statue outside Gampel for good luck and good grades. The bronze statue was commissioned in 1992 from artist Larry Wasiele by then-University president Harry Hartley and was installed in May 1995, just in time for the first of many graduation photos. Since then, visiting the Husky statue to rub its nose and take pictures has also become a staple of all prospective-student tours. Pictures with the statue serve as a symbolic opening and closing of most students’ careers at UConn as they post side-by-side comparisons of their first day as a Husky and their graduation day — but certainly not their last day as a Husky! Hear from Hartley and Wasiele. —Emma Casagrande ’18 (CLAS)
Good Luck and Good Grades
It’s clear by the sheen that UConn students believe in the ritual of rubbing the nose of the Husky statue outside Gampel for good luck and good grades. The bronze statue was commissioned in 1992 from artist Larry Wasiele by then-University president Harry Hartley and was installed in May 1995, just in time for the first of many graduation photos. Since then, visiting the Husky statue to rub its nose and take pictures has also become a staple of all prospective-student tours. Pictures with the statue serve as a symbolic opening and closing of most students’ careers at UConn as they post side-by-side comparisons of their first day as a Husky and their graduation day — but certainly not their last day as a Husky! Hear from Hartley and Wasiele. —Emma Casagrande ’18 (CLAS)

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