

How do you move a one-ton sculpture from Torrington to Storrs? Very carefully, of course. Also, with the help of a very large crane. Which is how "The Arc" made it to its new home behind The Benton on Dec. 6. The steel sculpture by Alexander Liberman (1912"“1999) was gifted to the University in 1982 by prominent collector Robert C. Scull. When UConn Torrington closed in 2016, plans were made to bring it to Storrs. Watching it lowered to its new home, President Thomas Katsouleas noted the importance of great art to a university experience, quoting Plato: "The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings."

Sean Flynn



How do you move a one-ton sculpture from Torrington to Storrs? Very carefully, of course. Also, with the help of a very large crane. Which is how "The Arc" made it to its new home behind The Benton on Dec. 6. The steel sculpture by Alexander Liberman (1912"“1999) was gifted to the University in 1982 by prominent collector Robert C. Scull. When UConn Torrington closed in 2016, plans were made to bring it to Storrs. Watching it lowered to its new home, President Thomas Katsouleas noted the importance of great art to a university experience, quoting Plato: "The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings."

An Alexander Semeonovitch Liberman (1912 "“ 1999) sculpture being moved from the former UConn Torrington campus to The William Benton Museum of Art. Dec. 5, 2019.

Sean Flynn

From There to Here

Sean Flynn


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