Blue Weddings
As usual, summer meant weddings and weddings meant Huskies everywhere (even featuring the Husky, aka Jonathan, in a starring role).

Marissa Seagrave '14 MFA and John Seagrave '12 MS with their UConn peeps in Saratoga Springs, New York
Photos courtesy of Marissa Seagrave

It was my privilege to help these two get engaged and my honor to be at their wedding. Wishing you many many years of happiness. @jonathanhusky14

Jeff Piascik ('14 BUS) and Zoe (Basso) Piascik '14 (CLAS) in Waterford, Connecticut, surrounded by 2014, 2015, and 2017 grads
Photos courtesy of Jeff Piascik

Alicia Affinito '17 (ENG) and Tom LaFemina '17 (ENG) with fellow proud alums — and dog.
Photos courtesy of Alicia Affinito

Assistant band director Jessica VonVillas '12 (SFA), '16 MM with new husband Josh Dickerson and band alums in Newport, Rhode Island.
Photos by Alyssa Wood of Isa Images

Sean Battle and Nicole Taranto (both '14) with their UConn crew
Photos by Keith Piper
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