
Old fans, new fans, and freshly inspired fans wrote to share love for Geno Auriemma and Chris Dailey and WBB alums who are doing such amazing things in sports and life. Here's a smattering of the letters we received on that subject and more, edited for length; find more online.

Email me at lisa.stiepock@uconn.edu or post comments on our stories.

UConn Magazine Spring 2020 cover

The Making of Champions on and off the Court

âž¼ This story is heartening for all who believe a college experience, whether involving sports or not, must be about learning, being a better human being, and bringing back value to the community, along with acquiring the tools needed for a professional career. Geno Auriemma and Chris Dailey have contributed so much to that process at UConn, and we are all forever in their debt. The many graduates of their program that have reached the heights of being great people along with their sports achievements is testimony to their special contributions. Jack Crane

âž¼ Would love to buy the poster. Let me know how and how much and I am there. Go Huskies!!
Mary Young
Note: The cover illustration was commissioned for this story. If we turn it into a poster, you'll be the first to know! Lisa and Christa

âž¼ In 35 Years UConn has become the gold standard, not only for women's basketball, but all of basketball. They are the women's version of the Boston Celtics! Richard Meagher, via our website

âž¼ Even though I followed UConn women's basketball beginning with Rebecca Lobo (a fellow local), I did not become a strong supporter until I remarried after the death of my first wife. My second wife was a staunch supporter of the UConn women and I got hooked. I look forward to every season and am saddened each year when the season ends.

I had the fortunate experience when I volunteered to assist at one of Geno's charity golf tournaments to meet and sit with Maya Moore. I had already been a great fan of her and it was a pleasure to have the experience to converse with her. She is a down-to-earth individual, intelligent, and with a great personality. It is not surprising that she is involved in criminal justice reform. My wife and I have the honor of having an autographed picture with her at that tournament. A memory to treasure. Daniel F. Bonyeau, via our website

âž¼ I played basketball at UConn from 1958 to '62. In 1971 to '72 I was a grad assistant coach of the first team that participated in an AIAW regional championship. The head coach was Rita Cousteau. The MVP of team was Fran Robinawitz. Recognition of pre-Geno history would be of interest. Thank you. Sarah Rich, via our website

âž¼ As a 1989 graduate of UConn's School of Business, I am so proud of the University, it's staff, it's students, it's graduate students and their achievements. Thank you. Michael A.S. Goba '89 (BUS), via our website

âž¼ Thank you for all the positive information concerning my Alma Mater, UConn. Joan Russoniello Goba, via our website

The Isis Terminator

➼ I just read this article about UConn alum Brett McGurk and his service to our country. He is truly an amazing man and our country is fortunate to have people like him serving. Janet Kinard, via email

âž¼ I can't tell you how much I admired the article "Historical Causes of Conflict in the Middle East in 500 Words." It was a concise description of a historical era of great importance. Unfortunately history is not stressed in today's world and we would do well (as should our politicians) to think of it as we try to decide what to do with other cultures. I hope the author will continue to write. If he would publish a history book, I would be first in line to buy it. Jim Mooney, Orange, Connecticut, via postal mail

Old-School Soda

âž¼ Thanks for reminding me of the great soda from my childhood. I was probably about 10 years old living in Eastern Connecticut and we would get weekly deliveries from Hosmer.

One of my chores was to bring the case of soda inside after it arrived. One summer day I heard the truck coming up our long driveway. Several minutes later I went outside to retrieve the case. I was surprised to see the big white truck still sitting in the driveway. Then I heard a ball bouncing. I went around the truck and saw this tall redhead delivery man shooting hoops with a basketball I had left in our driveway. He threw the ball to me and we played a few rounds of Horse.

Looking at Mr. Bill Potvin's photo I think it may have been him that I played ball with that day. Much different than the big corporate businesses that are go go go and that is a good thing.
I'm glad to see Hosmer is still doing well. Scott Adams '04 (ENG), via our website

âž¼ This soda was delivered to our Columbia home once or twice a week for many years. It was delicious. It made entertaining easy and convenient. And we each had our favorite flavors. It was sad when we moved out of the area. Glad to see it's still around. Karen Grava, via our website

âž¼ Did you buy the company from the Myers? That location was near the road leading to the reservoir, the family lived over the plant. Harold, via our website

Best Buds

âž¼ As a new RA I, too, went on an adventure with Jeff while he was our head resident in the jungle. A friend of Jeff's had recently graduated and been hired by Coleman, providing us new canoes to "test drive." One late fall weekend we trekked up to the Maine/New Hampshire border, paddling and roughing it with the foliage in full display. I'll never forget it. Rest in peace, Jeff. Jeff Daigle

Genetics for Justice

âž¼ Quite interesting in several ways. First, great to see that Beach Hall, former site of my geography classes in the 1960s, continues as a special UConn asset. Second, my interest in Indigenous people stemming from my various family residential homes in Oklahoma, Venezuela, California, New York, and Connecticut brought me in contact with various peoples. And most of all, to learn of an incredible person with a balanced approach to a special and shared skill! John Somerville


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