
Oct. 15, 1969, Student Protest Against the Vietnam War

The Connecticut Daily Campus offices were upstairs in the Student Union, so it was a simple matter for me to step outside to take pictures throughout this Vietnam War demonstration that involved hundreds of students. On a personal note, it was my experience that the Black Power protests of the early '60s and the antiwar protests of the later '60s caused a coalition of these two movements that addressed some racial divisions. Obviously, this is still a work in progress. But, as I came from a high school in West Haven where in 1965 I didn't know a single black person, this "integration by protest" was a revelation for me. PHOTO BY Howard Goldbaum '70 (CLAS).

Read about, and see more photos from, the Daily Campus photo collection Goldbaum recently donated to UConn


Oct. 15, 1969, Student Protest Against the Vietnam War

The Connecticut Daily Campus offices were upstairs in the Student Union, so it was a simple matter for me to step outside to take pictures throughout this Vietnam War demonstration that involved hundreds of students. On a personal note, it was my experience that the Black Power protests of the early '60s and the antiwar protests of the later '60s caused a coalition of these two movements that addressed some racial divisions. Obviously, this is still a work in progress. But, as I came from a high school in West Haven where in 1965 I didn't know a single black person, this "integration by protest" was a revelation for me. PHOTO BY Howard Goldbaum '70 (CLAS).

Read about, and see more photos from, the Daily Campus photo collection Goldbaum recently donated to UConn

Oct 16, 1969, student protest


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