11:00 AM





decorative timeline showcasing the sun's position relative to the start of the day over top an arc. The current position shows 10am

Campus is at peak swing by now, and at the top of Fairfield Way a golf cart of field hockey players spins around us, a worker changes out a campus map, a tour guide spiels parents and prospective students, a line for TikTok-trendy makeup samples expands exponentially, and a bit of beautiful calm amid chaos — Farm Fresh Market sells shiny squash, tomatoes, garlic, basil, peppers, dried flower bouquets, and more. This season, the 11 resident students at Spring Valley Farm, just past Depot Campus, grew more than 5,000 pounds of produce on their one acre of farmland and sold it here every Thursday from July through October. "It's like setting up an art show, like sharing the farm with everyone else on campus," says Adriana Garcia Vazquez, a farm resident and senior in cognitive science.

Extras and Outtakes

11:18 Hugh S. Greer Field House

11:03 Farm Fresh Market, Fairfield Way





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