08:00 PM



decorative timeline showcasing the sun's position relative to the start of the day over top an arc. The current position shows 8pm

Thursday is still the new Friday on campus and we couldn't even begin to keep up. Behind every door and on every quad are horror movies, scavenger hunts, parties for everything and nothing, billiards games, tap dance practices, a cappella rehearsals, improv sketches, pumpkin smashing. At St. Thomas Aquinas every Thursday, dozens of students join faculty and parishoners for Eucharistic Holy Hour, an entirely silent time of prayer preceding nightly Mass. Loudness prevails at Morrone Stadium, where we find some women's basketball players you may recognize cheering women's soccer to a 3-1 Big East win over DePaul.

Extras and Outtakes

08:32 UConn Hillel


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