08:00 AM



decorative timeline showcasing the sun's position relative to the start of the day over top an arc. The current position shows 8am

As dawn turns decidedly to day, a Shropshire ewe near Livestock Unit 1 gives us a beseeching stare, but we know student workers fed her hours ago and don't sheep always look beseeching? Bleary are the looks we get from the human undergrad species we find foraging for bagels and lattes at the Student Union. They prize the Union Dunkin' for its convenient location and relatively long hours (7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.).

Extras and Outtakes

08:06 Horsebarn Hill

08:00 The Beanery

08:04 Horsebarn Hill

08:38 Starbucks, Storrs Campus

08:51 nanoByte café


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