06:00 AM


decorative timeline showcasing the sun's position relative to the start of the day over top an arc. The current position is at its starting position, 6am

Each time we see a cadet's red night vision headlamp come eerily into view on the Horsebarn Hill homestretch, shouts of encouragement break the silence among those who have finished their 6-mile ruck. Hauling 35-pound rucksacks, these Army ROTC students began their training run at 0500 hours, preparation for a 12-mile ruck later in the semester — still later, post-graduation, soldiers must maintain 15-minute miles through a 12-mile ruck to pass muster and commission as officers.

Extras and Outtakes

06:13 Horsebarn Hill

06:35 Coventry Lake Boathouse


  1. Always look forward to getting my printed copy by snail-mail. This is by far THE most extraordinary issue ever published. I would frame and hang the final fold out aerial if it were available. Congrats and many thanks to the team!

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