03:00 PM



decorative timeline showcasing the sun's position relative to the start of the day over top an arc. The current position shows 3pm

Animal sciences students at the Dairy Bar break down the chemistry of delicious — more butterfat, less air — and confirm that Husky Tracks — vanilla, fudge swirls, peanut butter cups — wins their sales race. Over at Depot Campus, the puppet arts mecca makes us want to go back to college. The place exudes camaraderie and creativity and everyone wants to show us something. Devising puppets for three productions, students in room after room wield glue guns, light boxes, carpentry saws, sewing machines, and behind door number seven are creating portrait masks with legendary instructor Bart Roccoberton Jr. Through the movement of a puppet or a mask, says Roccoberton, "we cause the audience to help us create its existence as an object with breath, intention, and the ability to pursue goals."

Extras and Outtakes

03:58 Horsebarn Hill

03:22 Puppet Arts





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