At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.
At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.

At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.
At last! In mid-January temps dipped low enough — for long enough — to freeze Swan Lake. Pick-up hockey ensued.
We Love the UConn magazine with the picture of the Chemistry Building and frozen Swan Lake with skaters. Campus has changed so much since my husband and I graduated in 1968 and 1970. He is from New York, and I am from Michigan but after graduating from UConn we both have stayed in Connecticut and still enjoy news, sports, science and the arts at UConn and seeing the photos and recollections in UConn magazine.
note – Tim played Basketball for Dee Rowe 1968-69.