Your Turn

We want to hear from you — good, bad, just not ugly. Please share thoughts, insights, discrepancies, recollections — and how's your Tom's Trivia win-loss percentage coming? Post to our website at, email me at, or send by regular mail to UConn Magazine Letters, 34 N. Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268-3144.

Here's a sampling of comments on our last issue, edited for clarity and length.

The 2022 Fall Issue of UConn Magazine

Mary Donegan, urban and community studies professor, West Hartford, via Twitter.

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What's in a Name? It's UConn, not UCONN

UConn Today

Out of the Minds of Babes

âž¼ A wonderful story about an extraordinary young woman [Amanda Yagan]. There is no doubt that she will continue doing wonderful things regardless of her eventual career choice.

Sandra Ulrich '71 MA, Yarmouthport, Massachusetts, via our website

Caribou & Coffee

âž¼ An exciting and informative article with encouraging cooperation from property owners and archaeologists. Thanks for the positive presentation!

Ellis McDowell-Loudan, McGraw, New York, via our website

On UConn Magazine

âž¼ I thought I was unique having a Michigan vanity auto plate that read "UCONN 52." That is until, returning from a doctor's visit, I saw and honked at a "UCONN 84" plate. Then they passed me returning my honk and wave. It made my day. I look forward to my UConn Magazine. The school and its students are doing spectacular things. I don't think I'd qualify for admission today. Keep it up!

Bill Vollano '52, Ann Arbor, Michigan, by postal mail

âž¼ Thank you so much for the arrival of the latest issue of the UConn Magazine! I learned much history there in 1966-67. My adviser, A. William Hoglund, was a remarkable historian and professor! He visited me in Bethel, Maine, every summer until his death.

Stanley R. Howe, Bethel, Maine, by postal mail


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A Husky and a Cypriot

âž¼ Irene [Soteriou] wrote the Alliance Against Genocide's monthly newsletters while she interned with Genocide Watch. Her initiative and creativity made her one of our most outstanding staff members. How she found time to do that along with her many other activities still amazes me. I hope Irene will become a major advocate for human rights in our State Department, the UN, human rights NGOs, or refugee rights organizations.

Greg Stanton, Founding President, Genocide Watch, via our website

Coveted Class

➼ It is great to read about the work you [Violet Jiménez Sims] are doing to not only prepare prospective educators, but also in facilitating the acquisition of knowledge that your students must have in order to think on their feet and always have a plan B. Well done.

Cindy Morrissey '78 (CLAS), Tolland, Connecticut, via our website

Tom's Trivia

âž¼ Wow! Love these facts! I only got question 2 right, though.

Lauren Lee '23 (CLAS), New London, Connecticut, via our website


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