Walk This Way
Maggie Quackenbush '17 (BUS) jumped at the offer of a job at Sony Music as an opportunity to leverage her degree in management information systems. And if the members of her favorite bands, Aerosmith or AC/DC, happen to walk through the doors of the Manhattan record company, that will be a bonus.
"I'm very excited to be joining Sony Music,'' says Quackenbush. "I enjoy constantly learning new things, and I think that's what is great about the music business. There are always new genres, new artists, and new ways of producing music.''
Sony Music, the world's third-largest "record'' company, just launched a two-year rotational program for recent graduates interested in information systems and technology, and Quackenbush is one of the first two accepted. She expects to be working in the Manhattan and New Jersey offices for 18 months, before spending six months abroad, most likely in Munich. —claire hall

Photo courtesy of Maggie Quackenbush
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